Out Of Province Inspection

If you have a vehicle that is registered in another Canadian province, you will need to get the vehicle inspected and passed before the Alberta license plate can be issued. If your vehicle is from outside of Canada, there are other requirements that needs to be fulfilled.

Does your vehicle really needs an inspection?

There is deal in place with the western Canadian Provinces. Under this deal, there are some exemptions. Click below to see all the exemptions and flow chart to clearly find out if you really need an inspection done of your vehicle to be able to drive it in Alberta.  Exemption Flow Chart. (It is provided by Province of Alberta and we presented it here just for our customers convenience.)

What is checked in a vehicle inspection?

All the vehicle that are intended to be driven in Alberta are checked for structural integrity, ability to get registered, the vehicle type, tires, braking system, wiring, lights, suspension and many more mechanical and electronic components for the overall safety of the vehicle / occupants and other road users while being driven on the roads of Alberta.Need your vehicle inspected? Book it today!